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Most gym goers get excited when they hear the word CrossFit. Some think about what it would be like if they opened their own box one day.

While it may seem like a dream come true, and if that’s your dream it would be, there are definitely things you should to keep in mind. Being realistic when taking on any new business is important to ensuring your success.

Take it one step at a time. Don’t overshoot and try to do everything at once.

Here are a few things to consider when opening up your own CrossFit box that some may not think about.


To teach CrossFit in your box you’ll need to get certified. CrossFit itself provides this certification in different levels. You’ll want to start with the Level 1 certification this is what you will need to start coaching. This certification will introduce you to CrossFit’s methodology and foundational movements. To get certified on Level 1 it will cost you $1,000.

After about 6 months of experience teaching a CrossFit class you can go after the Level 2 certification. This certification will build on what you learned in the Level 1 class. To get certified on Level 2 it will also cost you $1,000. You will need to renew both certificates once every 5 years at $500 a piece.

To receive a CCFT or Certified CrossFit Trainer credential you will need to put in 750 hours of coaching time, have a Level 1 & 2 certificate, and have a current CPR certificate. Having the CCFT credential ensures your customers you are trained in the safest and most effective way to teach a CrossFit course.

There are also many different continuing education courses that you can take to build on your knowledge of CrossFit that are all located on the Crossfit.com website.

Annual Licensing

To market your services or box using the name ‘CrossFit’ you’ll need to become an affiliate. The affiliation fee is $3,000 and requires that you have at least a Level 1 certification before applying.

You will need to renew your affiliation on a yearly basis. If you don’t pay the affiliation fee you are not legally allowed to use CrossFit or any terms that are associated with it in your ‘box’.


After you take care of your Level 1 certification and you pay your affiliation fee you have to decide where you want your box to be located. The best location for any kind of fitness place to be is next to neighborhoods. This ensures you are close to home for some so they are more likely to make the short trip to see you.

Placing your box in a location that is accessible for many is important to get you noticed and get more customers in your door. If you put it down a dirt path in the middle of nowhere chances are nobody is going to know you are there.


Make sure when choosing the size of the space you are renting or building you don’t overdo it. Remember you have to pay for quite a few things when starting your own business. You don’t want to blow your entire budget on a huge box you can’t fill with equipment.

Stick with a reasonably sized box to start out. You can always expand or move to a bigger location later. Keeping it simple will allow you to focus your funds on better equipment and a better experience for your customers.


Speaking of equipment, don’t overspend in this category either. It’s easy to get lost in all the shiny new equipment that others may be using but you just don’t have to. When choosing CrossFit equipment for your box make sure you get the essentials and move on.

A few great things you’ll need to get started will be pull-up rigs, weightlifting bars, bumper plates, kettle bells, medicine balls, slam balls, jump ropes, battle ropes, Plyo boxes, concept 2 rowers, and GHD machines.

Getting a few of each will do nicely. Try buying them used to save even more money.


Lastly, and most importantly make sure you hire good staff. Make sure your staff is friendly and knowledgeable and ready to help with whatever concerns your customer might have. Nothing will turn a customer off quicker than rude or unpleasant staff.

Having the right staff that knows what they are doing is crucial in making sure your box is a success. Interview as many candidates as possible so you have many to choose from. This will ensure you find the right fit for your box.

Opening a new box or going on a new business adventure can be fun but make sure you stay realistic. Set a budget and make sure you stick to it in each category of spending. Take in to account all the little expenses and you’re sure to do great.